
Monday, December 18, 2006

The Rain

Woke up yesterday with this image in my mind; I think it will be easy for you to know where it came from. I am very busy now through the holidays but will try to keep you posted. Love each other and eat cookies!


  1. oh! i'm so grateful to have found your blog judy... your art is truly scrumptious, and it is a pleasure to "meet" you ~~~

    brightest blessings to you,

  2. my goodness, Judy, I just love everything that you create!

  3. this is SO wonderful judy, i love it! very pacific northwest...

    your warm pumpkin soup sounded so tantalizing; i could almost taste it.

    as for the cookies, i don't have any here but I do have 6 different kinds of chocolate :-)

  4. Such a lovely, sweet piece. I do believe I have felt like this before many times.

  5. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Hi Judy - I just found a picture of this painting in the Somerset Artful Blogging Magazine and was so moved by it that I had to write and tell you how much I love it. This is a fabulous painting and just really hit a nerve with me (ina good way)! Do you sell your work? I really love it! Thanks so much for the inspiration!
