
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Knee High By the 4th of July

I actually took the garden shots on the 3rd of July but what-the-hey, the corn is reaching for the ceiling in this hot, dry weather. The farmer will harvest garlic today, saving the most primo heads for next year's seed crop. The first shot is the corn patch to show that we have attained the knee high by the 4th of July goal and then some.

The second photo is of the garlic patch. We are huge believers in the healing and health-giving properties of garlic. Plus if you dont use huge amounts you just aren't much of a cook, in my opinion. It is a natural anti-bacterial. I credit my fortunate good health to massive quantities of garlic. It is one of John's favorite things to share with his friends.

While I was out in the garden I had to stop and admire the beautiful flowers on the lowly potato plants. John is growing Yellow Fins and a fingerling variety called Yellow Rose Fin this year. He tries new ones all the time. We love our 'taters.

We are flush with berries. I got a shot of blueberries for the folks that live in other climates and hemispheres to enjoy. Almost everyone around here (Oregon) has their own to admire.

The fruit ladder is still out. I thought it was pretty.

And finally a shot of the peas, doing their best to climb to the moon up in the left corner of the picture. This was taken at dusk. These are sugar peas that climb up a trellis and are best eaten raw. They are sweet and tender, even when overly mature. I like them better than candy. (But not better than Rhubarb Crunch which I made for our guests on the 4th).

I took 88 shots on the 4th of the big party here but this is one of the best of the two grand-puppies looking angelic. Right after I took this they hurled themselves on each other and rolled around the yard playing. It was a terrific party and everyone helped with the work; the handsome grandson oversaw the ice cream making, the ever agreeable son-in-law did the barbeque duties, the women brought various picnic dishes to share and farmer John cut the big, cold watermelon. The sun smiled down on all.


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I think you need to share that Rhubarb Crunch recipe! :-)

  2. I'll try to post it in the coming weeks. It is a family favorite and the rhubarb is always plentiful this time of year.

  3. I LOVE cooking with garlic too! you can never have too much!
    Your pictures are just!~

  4. your garden is fantastic! wow! we can grow so much out here in the northwest. it is wondrous.
