
Monday, May 19, 2008

Hot Wax!

Had a busy weekend in a hot studio (90 degrees in Portland!) - but that didn't stop me. On Saturday I painted the 12x24" panel above. It was heaven. I floated away for hours immersed in the experience of manipulating the wax and the pigments. I'm so hooked.

Here's a closer look. The colors of the desert keep returning to me. They are printed somewhere on my DNA. You can take the girl out of the desert but ...

Then yesterday I returned for a bout with a larger panel. This one is 20x24". You can see I taped the sides of the panel to protect it from the wax but when I removed the tape I had to repaint so I think I'll just let the wax drip for now. I don't mind cleaning it up after.

At this point I still had about 4 hours to go and at least a pound of wax to scrape back off. I'm experimenting and pushing the medium to see what happens. I like to take it to the edge of disaster and then save it. I'm a hero!!

At least I hope it's saved. Now I'm worried about the temperatures at the Lake Oswego show. In the past it's been up to 107 degrees on that weekend. Definitely need to paint some acrylic back-ups just in case. No, I will not take these if the temperatures are over 100 degrees. They won't melt at that temperature but I'd feel uncomfortable about it. Does anyone reading this have experience with heat and wax at art shows?

Here's a close up of the wax. Lots of stuff to see when you get closer. On hot days in Arizona we used to eat these popsicles called bullets. These were the colors and how they looked. So cool in the sweltering sun.

I step outside to check on the roses. They are so late this year. Notice the little ladybug doing her job of snacking on aphids. My organic bug patrol in action.

If I haven't lost my mixed media friends by now I'll throw in some journal pages.

I've only sent one proposal to Teesha this year. Next year I will play at Artfest. I love to take classes and there are many teachers there who I've not experienced yet.

More ramblings and drawings and pushing paint. Yes, you can wax small images in the journal. A couple of years ago I sewed in a drawing and then waxed over that in my journal. It's still fine. But if it had deteriorated it would be fine too. I love to watch things acquire the patina and changes of time.

By afternoon 4 varieties of roses had popped open so I ran for the camera. I took many pictures in the garden but you'll have to settle for a few.

'Cause I can't wait to get back into the stuido. Did I mention that the floor keeps getting dotted with wax? My pristine studio; I used to be so careful. I think that's funny now.

Good-bye lovely peonies; this weather will finish you off for sure. Back to my wax or acrylic or whatever I choose for today. Drench me in color. My life is a fairy tale.


K Hutchinson said...

I am so taken by your wax pieces I think I must try it! Later today when I have some time (aka Nap time) I am going to do so reading and try this! Thanks for all the inspiration- for jounral pages, hot wax, and gorgeous flowers! You rock!

Judy said...

Yuk, i hate the heat, so glad its colder here. cant work in the heat.

Gwen said...

Hi Judy,
I love the interesting bits in your wax paintings! I like all of the graphic elements and then the organic swirls, the colors are great, too.

Oh he.., I just love your work, all of it!

Ro Bruhn said...

What a great mixed bag. Love your panel, and your chair's fabulous. More terrific journal pages. And you could start a florist shop with all your beautiful flowers.

femminismo said...

Will anyone else admit to enlarging and squinting at your journal page pictures to read all the interesting bits and pieces of your life? (I am terrible!) You are "wise" to blur some of it out, but thank you so much for offering most of it up to us so freely.
I deeply envy whoever is on the Amalfi coast. A "Someday Adventure" for sure. - Jeanne

Jodi Ohl said...

I love seeing all of your explorations in encaustic painting! I've been wanting to try it so very badly, just knowing where to start so I don't make a huge investment and not get the right material. So, for now I'm creating vicariously through you :)

Candace said...

These photos are all glorious from the wax to the flowers to your lovely lively journals. Art is life and life is art and always the twain shall meet.

Thanks for sharing, Judy, especially the bullets story. LOL. I check your sites every day, knowing you are busy or want to be... knowing you will be there, even when you're not.

Two thumbs up,

Carmen said...

Your encaustic pieces are always so, so interesting!!! I absolutely love this one! Makes me want to get my wax out right now and play!!!



Connie said...

110 degrees in the desert today in Phoenix! But we were blessed with a gorgeous sunset and a full luscious moon! Your paintings certainly capture the beauty that blesses this inferno! Once again, Judy, thank you for sharing your creative bliss. You inspire me to dip into wax!

Heather, said...

Absolutely wonderful...I love both panels that you have done. I can't wait to get rid of the carpet in my office/studio, so that I can get out my wax and get back to working with it! Thanks for the ongoing inspiration.

Savannah said...

Let me preface by saying I am NOT even close to being an expert in wax. However, I had dabbled with encaustic on one small 8"x10" piece. The entire surface, including the sides, was covered in it with a varying degree of depth. I took this piece with me to an art fair where the temperature climbed to 110 degrees both days. Surprisingly, I had no problems. Granted, the artwork was in the shade, but it was still darned hot. It survived beautifully... Hugs, Shari

katie said...

giving you a big, tender hug my precious friend - can you feel it...

May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be safe.
May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature.
May all beings be free.


Linda Womack said...

I had work at the Lake Oswego show last year when it hit 102 degrees and my encuastic work did just fine. They even hung them up high, probably to keep people from touching them, but of course that's the hottest place in the room! When I was picking them up I had some pieces sitting on a table while I did paperwork and someone threw a pen (!?!) which landed on one of my pieces. Well, it was soft enough for the pen to stick to it a little, but a quick wave of the torch when I got home and it was fine. So if you can avoid pen wielding maniacs you'll probably be fine.

Also, thanks so much for the wonderful post about my book ( and for being so generous as to let me publish your beautiful work! Linda

ginny said...

Your wax board is really wonderful, but the chair it rests on is divine! I'll trade you, well anything, for it!
Love the journal pages, I always love your journal pages and the garden flowers. What a nice little visit.

Carolyn said...

it makes me smile when you go on about this passion you have with the encaustic process.... i can feel your joy thru your words!

LOVE that purple Columbine!!!

Anonymous said...

Judy--Your blog is a visual delight. Thank you for all that you share with the perfect strangers out here (like me!).

donna joy said...

love the wax piece!

Diane said...

Judy, the panels are just beautiful! I love, love the colors. I feel the same thing you feew about the desert, and I with the ranch I grew up on in Texas. Even though I have lived close & worked in the giant city of Houston for 30+ years, I constantly find myself going back to the ranch in my
(h)art and in my soul.

Cheryl Quist said...

hi... I'm wanting to try encaustic and I'm looking for inspiration on the 'net. Thanks for providing some - very nice art!